Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The Thousands

"Better than a thousand hallow words
Is one word that brings peace.

Better than a thousand hallow verses
Is one verse that brings peace.

Better than a hundred hallow lines
Is one line of the law, bringing peace.

It is better to conquer yourself
Than to win a thousand battles.

Then the victory is yours.

It cannot be taken from you,
Not by angels or by demons,
Heaven or hell.

Better even than tending in the forest
A sacred flame for a hundred years-
Is one moment's reverence
For a man who has conquered himself."

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Earliest of Moments

There is something extraordinary about it. Maybe it is the anticipation, possibly the serenity gliding off the glassy ocean-top, guiding the clean, crisp sea breeze that gently woke my senses. It cannot be captured. But I felt it. Typically my thoughts and body feel like a thriving beehive; constant movement, buzzing, flying in-and-out, never resting and always searching. But not then. In those moments the relentless hum slowly disappeared with the fading night sky. In those moments the tension intertwined throughout my body dissolved to mimic the fluidity of the rolling waves beneath me. In those tranquil moments as the sun peered out from behind the horizon, the sun’s rays painted a scene of my soul. The soul that has a dream to change the world. The soul blanketed by expectations and pressure from today’s society. Each sunrise cleared away the clouds and gave me a glimpse of who I want to be.

Finding a Happy Place




San Fran






or home...

anywhere but here